Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2024


Let's make people love domain names again

Domain names are not just web addresses; they are the lifeline of digital navigation and identity. But how many professionals are fully conversant with the technical aspects of domains names? There's a lot of room for doubts and errors.

Often neglected, zones are complex to handle. Yet, they are nonetheless crucial, helping individuals to better control their private lives on the Internet.

HappyDomain aims at simplifying domain management, making them accessibles for everyone. From individuals safeguarding their private lives online, to experienced system administrators overseeing vast digital landscapes.

You’ll learn how we try to promote a domain for everyone, with an interface finally designed for humans.

In 2024, what features should we expect to help us in our DNS-related tasks?


Photo of Frédéric Grither Frédéric Grither
Photo of Pierre-Olivier Pierre-Olivier
