Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2014


Mani Sarkar

Mani Sarkar is a passionate Java/JVM developer currently living and working in London, UK. He is an LJC advocate and evangelist to the @adoptopenjdk & @adoptajsr programs, a JCP Member, and an OpenJDK contributor (who has submitted a number of patches, and is also a core contributor to the Betterev project). Mani is also a strong supporter of software craftsmanship principles like BDD and TDD, and is a practitioner of techniques such as pair-programming and code reviews. He is an active member of a number of developer communities, and shares his passion for open source technologies by blogging and presenting at conferences and hands-on workshops all over the globe. Recently Mani has been spreading the good word about Adopt OpenJDK and Betterrev at OpenFest in Bulgaria, Devoxx in Belgium and LJCConf in the UK. He will be speaking at Java2Days in Bulgaria during Dec 2013 & JavaLand in Germany during March 2014.



Title Day Room Track Start End
From Webrev to Betterrev: Facilitating Contributions to OpenJDK Saturday K.4.201 Java 16:30 16:55