Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2020


Devroom Managers Manual

Key dates:

Devroom expectations

The demand for devrooms far exceeds the supply so we do not want rooms to be planned to be empty during the event. By applying for a devroom you are making a commitment to fill the schedule.

Devroom coordinators must enter a complete schedule into our conference system by 15th December. It is particularly important to be available and to respond promptly to emails about the schedule for about a week either side of this date.

If you don't think you can fill a full day, please try to join up with another project and submit a joint devroom application or indicate on this submission form that you are requesting only half-a-day and would like FOSDEM to try to pair you up with another similar request for half-a-day.

Because our room capacity is limited, we will record and stream all devrooms live. The recordings will be published under the same licence as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). If, exceptionally, there is a reason why any particular speaker or discussion should not be streamed or recorded, you must seek our agreement before including this in your schedule as such permission is unlikely to be granted.

You also agree to find:

Devroom allocation (2020)

Saturday Name Seats
Game Development K.3.201 80
RISC-V / Retrocomputing K.3.401 80
LLVM K.4.201 80
Graphics K.4.401 80
Hardware-aided Trusted Computing / Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader K.4.601 80
Quantum Computing H.1301 (Cornil) 189
Free Java H.1302 (Depage) 206
Software Defined Networking H.1308 (Rolin) 148
DNS / Web Performance H.1309 (Van Rijn) 146
Hacker room H.2111 40
Open Source Computer Aided Modeling and Design H.2213 100
MySQL, MariaDB and Friends H.2214 100
Security UA2.114 (Baudoux) 207
Legal and Policy Issues UA2.220 (Guillissen) 292
Testing and Automation UB2.147 91
Python UB2.252A (Lameere) 532
Backup and Recovery / Dependency Management UD2.119 50
Infra Management UD2.120 (Chavanne) 446
Containers UD2.208 (Decroly) 174
Embedded, Mobile and Automotive UD2.218A 363
Collaborative Information and Content Management Applications / Coding for Language Communities AW1.120 74
Erlang, Elixir and Friends / Graph Systems and Algorithms AW1.121 (not wheelchair accessible) 82
Ada AW1.125 (not wheelchair accessible) 76
Open Source Science and Research Tools AW1.126 82
Open Document Editors UB4.136 96
Sunday Name Seats
Distributions K.3.201 80
Rust K.3.401 80
Debugging Tools K.4.201 80
Hardware Enablement K.4.401 80
Microkernels and Component-based OS K.4.601 80
Kotlin H.1301 (Cornil) 189
JavaScript H.1302 (Depage) 206
Software Defined Storage H.1308 (Rolin) 148
Virtualization and IaaS H.1309 (Van Rijn) 146
Hacker room H.2111 40
Open Source Design H.2213 100
PostgreSQL H.2214 100
Mozilla UA2.114 (Baudoux) 207
Decentralized Internet and Privacy UA2.220 (Guillissen) 292
Open Media UB2.147 91
Go UB2.252A (Lameere) 532
Free Tools and Editors UD2.119 50
Monitoring and Observability UD2.120 (Chavanne) 446
Real Time Communications UD2.208 (Decroly) 174
Internet of Things UD2.218A 363
Free Software Radio AW1.120 74
BSD AW1.121 (not wheelchair accessible) 82
Minimalistic Languages AW1.125 (not wheelchair accessible) 76
Geospatial AW1.126 82
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment UB4.136 96
HPC, Big Data, and Data Science UB5.132 306
Community UB5.230 192

Before the event

Call for Participation/Call for Papers

Devrooms normally issue a Call for Papers.

We can also make adjustments to the names of devrooms at this early stage - particularly if related proposals got combined or you want to emphasise some little change of focus.

Full details of all talks and speakers that you schedule must be submitted into our 'pentabarf' database which is used to generate our website no later then 15th December. Please try to complete this earlier. It is better to find out scheduling conflicts early, and by the end of december it is hard to reach people. The schedule at the 1st of January is used for the booklet.

The half-day rooms should divide the available time by two and allow a gap of about 30 minutes in the middle for switchover.

IMPORTANT - Nothing should be scheduled outside these hours: Saturday 10.30-19.00 Sunday 09.00-17.00 Every year some devroom schedules ignore this and have to get fixed!

To avoid entering everything yourself, ask people to propose talks through reminding them that if they already have an account from a previous year they should reuse it. (Our website links speakers to all their talks across all the years of FOSDEM.) Then you can use the system to review and select talks, and transfer them between devrooms if appropriate.

Reviewing talks

Use this to view and review proposals assigned to your devroom track. You can add ratings and remarks in the Rating tab. These will not be accessible to the speaker.

Use these fields for your workflow:

Ultimately, all 'events' in your devroom track either need to be rejected, or accepted and (re)confirmed. Obviously, don't change the state of events in other tracks.

If there are any talks proposed for your devroom which seem attractive for a very large audience, consider asking to program@ if they could be included in main.

Please don't change the tracks assigned to any Main Track / Keynote / Lightning Talks at this stage as we have not reviewed them yet and it's only fair that we consider them under the track that the submitter selected before considering transferring them to a different track.

(And we won't object if any of you help us out by adding your own review comments or scores to events in these tracks as long as you are being reasonably objective and not just giving your friends' talks top scores!)

Scheduling talks

When scheduling tasks in pentabarf: please stick to these rules:

Scheduling in Pentabarf

To schedule a task in pentabarf you have to:
  • In the schedule tab:
  • While going through all proposal it is also worth checking their content:

    Inform your speakers

    Scheduling hints

    Website schedule

    The website is generated from the data in pentabarf. This runs automatically every few minutes.

    You can see when it was last updated near the bottom of the events page

    Note that the data gets pulled from the database slightly before this timestamp is generated - sometimes a few minutes before. If nothing on this page changed, the date won't be updated. shows the last modified date for every page on the site.

    If the system detects an inconsistency in the data, it stops updating the site until this is corrected in the database.


    Pentabarf still does not detect if a speaker has been allocated two slots that overlap so do watch out for that!

    "Event with incorrectly named tag"?
    You've perhaps got some invalid characters in the slug? First one I looked at with that message had spaces in it which I removed. Don't put '?' in a slug.
    Event with missing unique tag (slug)
    Make sure you use a valid SLUG

    Last weeks before the event

    Note that this procedure is in place now for FOSDEM 2020.

    Once the booklet sent to the printer and the schedule is imported in all apps, all changes to the schedule will be recorded in this page:

    For any changes you make from now on, please follow these instructions. (You should NOT do this for any changes you made already - just for future changes.)

    Take a look at last year's page to understand better what we're trying to achieve with this:

    From now on, all changes to the schedule - i.e. topics/speakers - must be tracked and explained on the website, with both old and new shown. (Abstracts, biographies, URLs etc, can continue to be edited and improved without doing anything special. Event titles should only be changed in minor ways - otherwise it counts as an AMENDMENT below.)

    Wherever a person looks on the website, there should be no confusion about what is cancelled and what has been changed.

    If a talk is cancelled:

    We have two cases.

    1. There is NO replacement.
      • Add the prefix CANCELLED to the title.
      • Not in brackets - exactly that one word in front followed by one space character.
      • That's all. Do NOT change any other state of the event, because we want these events still to appear in the schedule.
      • Add a note to the abstract so that it is absolutely clear it has been cancelled. E.g. Top line might be "Please note that this talk has been cancelled as <speaker> is no longer able to attend FOSDEM."
      • Notify ideally giving the URL to the pentabarf event that was changed e.g. (We will try to check the steps were followed and fix where necessary)
    2. There IS a replacement.
      • Add the prefix CANCELLED to the title.
      • Not in brackets - exactly that one word in front followed by one space character.
      • Set 'progress' to 'canceled' (keep it 'accepted').
      • For each speaker or moderator on the person tab, set 'role state' to 'canceled'.
      • On the schedule tab, set the room to blank (top of the list) and uncheck 'public event'. *Leave the day and time unchanged.* Save those changes. The event will no longer appear in the schedule on the website.

      For the replacement, enter the details in the normal way but:
      • Add the prefix 'AMENDMENT' to the event title.
      • At the *end* of the abstract, include some text that describes exactly the talk it replaced, with the full title and speaker matching that of the cancelled event. Whether or not to give an apology or reason will depend on the circumstances. Example: "Please note that this talk replaces one entitled "title" that was due to have been given by <speaker>, who has sent his apologies but is now unable to attend as he has fallen ill. We wish him a speedy recovery."
      • Email with details, for example, the penta URLs for both events.

    For a completely new session or a minor timing adjustment, e.g. filling a gap in the published schedule or before or after the original schedule, enter the details in the normal way but:

    If two speakers swap slots: