Online / 6 & 7 February 2021


Jan Thielscher

Photo of Jan Thielscher

Jan has a diploma in business and computer sciences from the University of Bamberg and a postgraduate Master of Laws from University of Muenster. He is engaged with software development in diverse roles since the late eighties. The last 20 years he is helping clients from various industries, especially manufacturing but also medical, transportation or hospitality to manage Digital Transformation and deliver IT based business models. With a strong Enterprise Architecture background, fingers at the command line and head in the business or project plans, Jan helps to achieve challenging goals. Since a few years he took the responsibility within EACG to deliver TrustSource, an integrated Open Source Compliance SaaS solution that is designed to achieve the goal of complete compliance automation, see



Title Day Room Track Start End
Openchain overview
updates and information on the OpenChain project
Saturday D.openchain OpenChain 13:00 13:10
Capabilities for Open Source Compliance
Understanding the OpenChain Capability Model
Saturday D.openchain OpenChain 14:05 14:50
DeepScan - assessing your code for effective licenses
Gaining insights and profit from sharing
Sunday D.composition Software Composition 17:15 17:30