Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023


Christoph Zimmermann

Photo of Christoph Zimmermann

Grey-bearded FOSS hacker without the beard obsessed with open source operating systems and other hipster topics.

My first run-in with the FLOSS technologies was in 1987 when I compiled an editor called Emacs. As this encounter had a lasting effect, I have been involved with FLOSS ecosystems, technologies and communities both from technical, philosophical and political perspectives more than thirty years later. I'm a board member of one of the largest German Linux User Groups (the LUG in Frankfurt, FraLUG) and a regular speaker at German and international FLOSS events. Together with Martin Visser I host one of the fastest-growing FLOSS podcasts named Linux Inlaws. In my spare time, I am an Arch package maintainer and Python hacker.



Title Day Room Track Start End
Linux Inlaws
A how-to on world domination by accident
Saturday Janson Main Track - Janson 14:00 14:50