Introducing Lightning Lightning Talks
The regular FOSDEM lightning talk track isn't chaotic enough, so this year we're introducing Lightning Lightning Talks (now with added lightning!).

Update: we've had a lot of proposals, so submissions are now closed!
Thought of a last minute topic you want to share? Got your interesting talk rejected? Has something exciting happened in the last few weeks you want to talk about?
Get that talk submitted to Lightning Lightning Talks!
This is an experimental session taking place on Sunday afternoon (13:00 in k1105), containing non-stop lightning fast 5 minute talks.
Submitted talks will be automatically presented by our Lightning Lightning Talk System, which keeps track of the time limit for the current speaker and the order of presentations.
Presenters who attempt to speak for longer than 5 minutes risk being swept off the stage by our Lightning Lightning Talk Cleanup Crew.
The FOSDEM lightning talk track contains lightning talks, but they are 15 minutes long and scheduled months in advance. This Lightning Lightning Talk session tries to bring more lightning to FOSDEM, with a faster pace and more spontaneous talks.
If this format works well, we might expand this in future editions (feedback welcome!).
Taking part
To submit your talk for this session, make sure you meet some standards:
- slides created in .pdf format
- no offensive content
- about something FOSDEM attendees would appreciate
- can be presented in less than 5 minutes (very strict time limit!)
Follow these steps:
- Follow this link and press the "Submit a proposal" button
- Select session type "Lightning Lightning Talk" and track "Lightning Lightning Talks"
- Attach your slides in pdf format as a resource
- Wait for an acceptance notification, which will be sent out periodically as we get closer to the event
- Confirm you'll be able to attend the session
- Await further instructions
Final deadline for submission is 18:00 Saturday, the evening before the session.