Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025



The various events are spread over several buildings (clusters of rooms) over the campus.

Here is a list of those buildings, and the rooms in each of them.

Building Physical Rooms
J J.1.106 Janson
K K.1.105 (La Fontaine) K.3.201 K.3.401 K.3.601 K.4.201 K.4.401 K.4.601
H H.1301 (Cornil) H.1302 (Depage) H.1308 (Rolin) H.1309 (Van Rijn) H.2111 H.2213 H.2214 H.2215 (Ferrer) H.3242 H.3244
U UA2.114 (Baudoux) UA2.118 (Henriot) UA2.220 (Guillissen) UB2.147 UB2.252A (Lameere) UB4.132 UB4.136 UB4.228 UB5.132 UB5.230 UD2.120 (Chavanne) UD2.218A UD2.110 UD2.208 (Decroly) UD6.203 UD6.205 UD6.215
AW AW1.120 AW1.121 AW1.125 AW1.126
ULB Solbosch Campus map