sshproxy: how to load-balance ssh
- Track: Lightning Talks
- Room: H.2215 (Ferrer)
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 14:30
- End: 14:45
- Video only: h2215
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ssh (secure shell) is a popular protocol used for remote command-line connections and file transfers.
sshproxy is more than a simple ssh proxy/load balancer. It can choose the destination node based on simple or complex rules, such as the user name/group, its previous connections, the number of total connections on the nodes, the total used bandwidth of the nodes… It can be distributed on multiple gateways, with shared states. It can track, log and monitor all the connections.
At CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), sshproxy allows users to connect to 4 different supercomputers, with regularly more than 1,000 simultaneous connections.
Cyril Servant |