Concurrent Logic Programming - an exploration of miniKanren in FLENG PCN
- Track: Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
- Room: H.1308 (Rolin)
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 12:10
- End: 12:30
- Video only: h1308
- Chat: Join the conversation!
FLENG is a concurrent logic programming language, with PCN offering a higher-level abstraction. MicroKanren, meanwhile, is a minimalistic relational language with easy access to its fundamentals. Implementing microKanren in FLENG offers opportunities to tinker with the core of miniKanren with minimal code modification. This talk will discuss at least the following: - changing the delay operation to relying on using logic variables to represent possibly infinite streams. - leveraging the built-in support for AND-parallelism to execute subgoals of disjunctions in parallel. - extending mplus to deal with N number of streams fairly (mplusplus), instead of using a binary trampoline.
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Sjoerd Dost |