Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025


GovStack Cloud BB: Sovereign Clouds for all countries

The govstack project[1] creates building block (BBs) that help countries of the world to deliver digital services to their citizens in a sovereign way. By consequence, all building blocks are using open standards and are supposed to be implemented by open source software (OSS).

One of the latest additions is a cloud BB [2] which defines the requirements and characteristics of sovereign cloud infrastructure, which has been defined in close collaboration with the Sovereign Cloud Stack project[3] which also delivers an implementation[4] that conforms to the requirements.

The authors will give an overview over the specifications and will talk about some of the activities that are ongoing to disseminate the knowledge about building and operating sovereign infrastructure and how we hope to support countries across the world in owning their infrastructure without the dependencies that come with proprietary platforms.

[1] [2] [3] [4]


Photo of Kurt Garloff Kurt Garloff
Photo of Nico Lueck Nico Lueck