Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025


PostCAD: OpenCASCADE in the Database

OpenCASCADE is the elephant in the room. Let's enlist an elephant of our own, PostgreSQL!

Learning from the geospatial ecosystem's PostGIS (a database extension that provides geospatial data types and operations) I propose a parallel of our own, PostCAD.

Wrapping OpenCASCADE, it would provide CAD data types and operations and turn a database into a feature-rich CAD application server backed by battle-tested DB software.

As in the geospatial world, this could form the basis for an ecosystem of CAD web apps, mirroring GeoAlchemy, GeoDjango, Leaflet.js, and others.

In this talk, I'll outline what this future PostCAD world could look like, featuring specific use cases for new applications, as well as potential for integrating with FreeCAD and unlocking local-first yet cloud-boosted CAD on the desktop.


Kurt Kremitzki
