Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025



Day Start End Track(s)
Saturday 10:30 19:00 Confidential Computing, Swift
Sunday 09:00 17:00 Attestation, Quantum Computing
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Saturday Confidential Computing devroom welcome
Confidential Computing’s Recent Past, Emerging Present, and Long-Lasting Future
Confidential Virtual Machines Demystified: A Technical Deep Dive into Linux Guest OS Enlightenment
ManaTEE: an Open-Source Private Data Analytics Framework with Confidential Computing
Supporting Confidential Computing on Arm with Open Source Software
Updates on Coconut SVSM: Secure Services and Stateful Devices for Confidential Virtual Machines
Trust No One: Secure Storage with Confidential Containers
RA-WEBs: Remote Attestation for WEB services
Spock : a software-based RISC-V TEE
Running Mushroom on Intel TDX
Confidential Computing devroom lightning talks
Welcome to the Swift ecosystem!
Blink them to death using Embedded Swift
Why Swift is the Next Big Thing for IoT
Building a Ferrofluidic Music Visualizer with Embedded Swift
age-plugin-se: Building a lean cross-platform cryptography tool
Why Swift is the best language for building modern applications on the backend
Live coding a streaming ChatGPT proxy with Swift OpenAPI—from scratch!
How to put Swift in a box: Building container images with swift-container-plugin
Building Truly Native Cross-Platform Desktop Apps (With a Focus on GNOME)
Your First AWS Lambda Function
„Which is which, and who is who?” - Building a new Swift unqualified name lookup library during GSoC 2024
Distributed Tracing in Server-Side Swift
Building reliable and scalable apps with Distributed Actors
Sunday Welcome to attestation devroom!
Binding Intel SGX Root-of-Trust to PKI to Establish High-Performant Trusted Channel Between Enclaves
Integrating Intel TDX remote attestation into SSH
Attested Noise Protocol for Low-TCB Trusted Execution Environments
Secure Push Attestation with Extensible REST APIs
Measurement and Attestation Schemes for Container Sandboxes
Virtual Machine attestation on Arm CCA
Remote Attestation in the cloud
Remote Attestation on Arm TrustZone OP-TEE with VERAISON Verifier --- current status and future plan ---
Welcome to the Quantum Computing devroom
Qlafoutea: Baby steps towards compiling a programming language to analog quantum computer
No-one used my software: a tale of quantum software engineering
Bridging the Gap: Quantum Computing for Classical Software Engineers
Quantum type system in H-hat quantum programming language
Quantum Distance Bounding: Advancing Secure Proximity
Introducing Qumat! (An Apache Mahout Joint)
Opensource Tools for Platform Agnostic Quantum Computing
On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit
Unitary Compiler Collection


Title Speakers Track Start End


  Confidential Computing devroom welcome
Fritz Alder, Jo Van Bulck, Fabiano Fidêncio, Ilaria Battiston, Steffen Eiden Confidential Computing 10:30 10:40
  Confidential Computing’s Recent Past, Emerging Present, and Long-Lasting Future
Sal Kimmich Confidential Computing 10:40 11:00
  Confidential Virtual Machines Demystified: A Technical Deep Dive into Linux Guest OS Enlightenment
Ankita Pareek, Archana Choudhary Confidential Computing 11:05 11:25
  ManaTEE: an Open-Source Private Data Analytics Framework with Confidential Computing
Dayeol Lee Confidential Computing 11:30 11:50
  Supporting Confidential Computing on Arm with Open Source Software
Poirier Mathieu Confidential Computing 11:55 12:15
  Updates on Coconut SVSM: Secure Services and Stateful Devices for Confidential Virtual Machines
Stefano Garzarella, Oliver Steffen Confidential Computing 12:20 12:40
  Trust No One: Secure Storage with Confidential Containers
Aurélien Bombo Confidential Computing 12:45 13:05
  RA-WEBs: Remote Attestation for WEB services
Yoshimichi Nakatsuka Confidential Computing 13:10 13:30
  Spock : a software-based RISC-V TEE
jip helsen Confidential Computing 13:35 13:55
  Running Mushroom on Intel TDX
Tom Dohrmann Confidential Computing 14:00 14:20
  Confidential Computing devroom lightning talks
Claudio Imbrenda, Steffen Eiden, Kuniyasu Suzaki Confidential Computing 14:20 14:30
  Welcome to the Swift ecosystem!
Paris Pittman Swift 15:00 15:10
  Blink them to death using Embedded Swift
Eric Bariaux Swift 15:10 15:20
  Why Swift is the Next Big Thing for IoT
Lilly Seay Swift 15:25 15:35
  Building a Ferrofluidic Music Visualizer with Embedded Swift
Rauhul Varma Swift 15:40 15:50
  age-plugin-se: Building a lean cross-platform cryptography tool
Remko Tronçon Swift 15:55 16:00
  Why Swift is the best language for building modern applications on the backend
Tim Condon Swift 16:05 16:25
  Live coding a streaming ChatGPT proxy with Swift OpenAPI—from scratch!
Si Beaumont, Honza Dvorsky Swift 16:30 16:50
  How to put Swift in a box: Building container images with swift-container-plugin
Euan Harris Swift 16:55 17:15
  Building Truly Native Cross-Platform Desktop Apps (With a Focus on GNOME)
David Häner Swift 17:20 17:30
  Your First AWS Lambda Function
Mikaela Caron Swift 17:35 17:55
  „Which is which, and who is who?” - Building a new Swift unqualified name lookup library during GSoC 2024
Jakub Florek Swift 18:00 18:10
  Distributed Tracing in Server-Side Swift
Moritz Lang Swift 18:15 18:35
  Building reliable and scalable apps with Distributed Actors
Jaleel Akbashev Swift 18:40 19:00


  Welcome to attestation devroom!
Thomas Fossati, Muhammad Usama Sardar Attestation 09:00 09:25
  Binding Intel SGX Root-of-Trust to PKI to Establish High-Performant Trusted Channel Between Enclaves
Gilang Mentari Hamidy Attestation 09:30 09:55
  Integrating Intel TDX remote attestation into SSH
Fabian Wesemann Attestation 10:00 10:15
  Attested Noise Protocol for Low-TCB Trusted Execution Environments
Ivan Petrov, Katsiaryna Naliuka Attestation 10:20 10:45
  Secure Push Attestation with Extensible REST APIs
Jean Snyman Attestation 10:50 11:20
  Measurement and Attestation Schemes for Container Sandboxes
Magnus Kulke Attestation 11:25 11:50
  Virtual Machine attestation on Arm CCA
Jean-Philippe Brucker Attestation 11:55 12:10
  Remote Attestation in the cloud
Jagannathan Raman Attestation 12:15 12:35
  Remote Attestation on Arm TrustZone OP-TEE with VERAISON Verifier --- current status and future plan ---
Kuniyasu Suzaki Attestation 12:40 13:00
  Welcome to the Quantum Computing devroom
Alessandro Cosentino Quantum Computing 13:10 13:20
  Qlafoutea: Baby steps towards compiling a programming language to analog quantum computer
David "Yoric" Teller Quantum Computing 13:25 13:45
  No-one used my software: a tale of quantum software engineering
Aleksander Wennersteen Quantum Computing 13:50 14:10
  Bridging the Gap: Quantum Computing for Classical Software Engineers
Veronica Lopez Quantum Computing 14:15 14:35
  Quantum type system in H-hat quantum programming language
Eduardo Maschio (Dooms) Quantum Computing 14:40 15:00
  Quantum Distance Bounding: Advancing Secure Proximity
Kevin Bogner Quantum Computing 15:05 15:25
  Introducing Qumat! (An Apache Mahout Joint)
Trevor Grant, Andrew Musselman Quantum Computing 15:30 15:50
  Opensource Tools for Platform Agnostic Quantum Computing
Harshit Gupta Quantum Computing 15:55 16:15
  On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit
Cica Gustiani Quantum Computing 16:20 16:40
  Unitary Compiler Collection
nate stemen Quantum Computing 16:45 17:00