Saturday |
Welcome to the Modern Email DevRoom 💌
TELLIER Benoit, Damian Poddebniak, Mechiel Lukkien, Hans-Jörg Happel |
Modern Email |
10:30 |
10:35 |
aerc, an email client for the discerning hacker
Robin Jarry |
Modern Email |
10:35 |
11:00 |
Parula - Presenting the new email client
Ben Bucksch |
Modern Email |
11:00 |
11:30 |
Structured Email: Building blocks and implementation guidance
Hans-Jörg Happel |
Modern Email |
11:30 |
12:00 |
Stalwart Mail Server
Mauro De Gennaro |
Modern Email |
12:00 |
12:30 |
Mox and simplifying mail server setup & management
Mechiel Lukkien |
Modern Email |
12:30 |
13:00 |
How to Deploy Full-Scale Secure On-Prem E-Mail Security Cluster as IaC
Carsten Rosenberg, Manu Zurmuehl |
Modern Email |
13:00 |
13:30 |
Enhancing Email Spam Detection with LLMs: Practical Experience with Rspamd and GPT
Vsevolod Stakhov |
Modern Email |
13:30 |
14:00 |
Advanced mail security - our experience with automated reputation sharing in communities and pre-queue deep threat analyzers
Carsten Rosenberg |
Modern Email |
14:00 |
14:30 |
TLSRPT comes to Open Source
Patrick Ben Koetter |
Modern Email |
14:30 |
15:00 |
DMARCaroni: where do DMARC reports go after they are sent?
Vint Leenaars |
Modern Email |
15:00 |
15:30 |
Panel discussion: 5 years of JMAP - experiences and outlook
TELLIER Benoit, Hans-Jörg Happel, Ben Bucksch, Mauro De Gennaro, Zhivko Vasilev |
Modern Email |
15:30 |
16:00 |
Authentication and autoconfig for email - Update on standardization efforts
Ben Bucksch |
Modern Email |
16:00 |
16:30 |
How email addresses are growing to support unicode
Arnt Gulbrandsen |
Modern Email |
16:30 |
17:00 |
(Avoid) Implementing STARTTLS
Damian Poddebniak |
Modern Email |
17:00 |
17:30 |
Post-Quantum Cryptography in OpenPGP
Daniel Huigens, Aron Wussler |
Modern Email |
17:30 |
18:00 |
Delta Chat, from e-mail messaging to Peer-to-Peer realtime networking
Xenia |
Modern Email |
18:00 |
18:30 |
Chatmail server networks for anonymous end-to-end encrypted messaging
missytake |
Modern Email |
18:30 |
19:00 |
Sunday |
Moving Beyond Containers - Introducing Boxer
Dan Phillips |
WebAssembly |
09:00 |
09:25 |
Wazero vs Chicory: An In-Depth Comparison Between Two Language-Native Wasm Runtimes
Edoardo Vacchi |
WebAssembly |
09:30 |
09:55 |
WASM meets unikernels: Secure and Efficient Cloud-Native Deployments
Charalampos Mainas, Anastassios Nanos |
WebAssembly |
10:00 |
10:25 |
Cyber-Physical WebAssembly: Interfacing with USB and I2C Hardware
Merlijn Sebrechts, Michiel Van Kenhove |
WebAssembly |
10:30 |
10:55 |
[CANCELED] The current state of debugging in WebAssembly
Artem Kobzar |
WebAssembly |
11:00 |
11:25 |
WebAssembly-powered game console
gram |
WebAssembly |
11:30 |
11:55 |
Seeing Eye To Eye: Computer Vision using wasmVision
Ron Evans |
WebAssembly |
12:00 |
12:25 |
Opening Railways and Open Transport Devroom
Max Mehl, Cornelius Schumacher, Simon Clavier, Loic HAMELIN, Brede Dammen, Peter Keller, Tu-Tho Thai |
Railways and Open Transport |
13:15 |
13:20 |
European standards to serve both public transport and rail, demystification of NeTEx, SIRI and TOMP API 2.0
Brede Dammen, Tu-Tho Thai, Edwin van den Belt |
Railways and Open Transport |
13:20 |
14:00 |
Netzgrafik-Editor - a human-centric timetable planning approach
Adrian Egli |
Railways and Open Transport |
14:00 |
14:20 |
Enhancing OSRD with NGE’s Macroscopic Visualization
Louis Greiner |
Railways and Open Transport |
14:20 |
14:40 |
The Flatland Framework: Enabling Machine Learning Research for Railway Rescheduling and Beyond
Manuel Schneider |
Railways and Open Transport |
14:40 |
15:00 |
Post processing GNSS train positions
Mathias Vanden Auweele |
Railways and Open Transport |
15:00 |
15:30 |
NeTEx and SIRI: Show me the code
Alban Peignier |
Railways and Open Transport |
15:30 |
16:00 |
Explorative Routing
Katharina Rasch |
Railways and Open Transport |
16:00 |
16:30 |
GNOME Maps meets Transitous meets MOTIS
Felix Gündling, Marcus Lundblad, Jonah Brüchert |
Railways and Open Transport |
16:30 |
16:50 |
HackerTrain to FOSDEM 2025 (a.k.a. the beta run)
Matija Šuklje |
Railways and Open Transport |
16:50 |
17:00 |