Saturday |
Welcome to the Radio Devroom
Bastien Cabay |
Radio |
10:30 |
10:45 |
Using AI hardware accelerators for real-time DSP on embedded devices - NPU, TPU etc,
Sylvain AZARIAN |
Radio |
10:45 |
11:40 |
M17 and OpenRTX: one year later
Marc Balmer, Silvano Seva |
Radio |
11:40 |
12:35 |
The AFF3CT framework for building numerical communication chains
Olivier Aumage |
Radio |
12:35 |
13:30 |
HAMNET - Status Update
Jann Traschewski, DG8NGN |
Radio |
13:30 |
14:25 |
RF Swift: A Swifty Toolbox for All Wireless Assessments
Sébastien Dudek |
Radio |
14:25 |
15:20 |
SDR++, a modular, cross-platform SDR utility
Alexandre Rouma |
Radio |
15:20 |
16:15 |
Broadband data transfer over USB for GNU/Linux: 1-2 GHz (L-band) SDR receiver dedicated to GNSS (and other) reception, interfacing with PocketSDR, GNU Radio and gnss-sdr
Jean-Michel Friedt |
Radio |
16:15 |
17:10 |
Meshtastic - off-grid communication for everyone
Thomas Göttgens |
Radio |
17:10 |
18:05 |
Yet another new SDR runtime?
Daniel Estévez |
Radio |
18:05 |
19:00 |
Sunday |
Welcome to the Ada DevRoom
Fernando Oleo Blanco, Dirk Craeynest |
Ada |
09:00 |
09:10 |
Updates on the Ada Ecosystem
Fernando Oleo Blanco |
Ada |
09:10 |
09:30 |
Get started with Ada in 2 minutes or less!
A.J. |
Ada |
09:30 |
09:45 |
Advent of Compression: writing a working BZip2 encoder in Ada from scratch in a few days
Gautier de Montmollin |
Ada |
09:50 |
10:10 |
Ada and Mini-Ada: a solution to the two-language problem
Gautier de Montmollin |
Ada |
10:10 |
10:30 |
Understanding liquid types, contracts and formal verification with Ada/SPARK
Fernando Oleo Blanco |
Ada |
10:30 |
11:00 |
The state of Rust trying to catch up with Ada
Oli Scherer |
Ada |
11:00 |
11:20 |
Cryptography in SPARK: building the foundation with constant-time bigints
César Sagaert, Fabien Chouteau |
Ada |
11:25 |
11:45 |
Multiword Arithmetic and Parallel Computing
Jan Verschelde |
Ada |
11:45 |
12:05 |
Developing device drivers for Ironclad using Ada
streaksu |
Ada |
12:05 |
12:25 |
AdaBots - programmable minetest bots
Tama McGlinn, Rudolf Batke |
Ada |
12:30 |
12:50 |
Welcome to the Robotics and Simulation devroom
Arnaud Taffanel |
Robotics and Simulation |
13:15 |
13:20 |
PyCRAM - A Framework for Cognitive Robot Control
Jonas Dech |
Robotics and Simulation |
13:20 |
13:25 |
All my frustrations with ROS summed up in 5 minutes
Roland Meertens |
Robotics and Simulation |
13:25 |
13:30 |
Building a robot powered with Raspberry pis and Arduinos from a super fast Traxxas RC car
Loïc Vigneron |
Robotics and Simulation |
13:30 |
13:35 |
Accelerating robotics development through simulation
Ignacio Davila Gallesio, Agustin Alba Chicar |
Robotics and Simulation |
13:40 |
14:05 |
O3DE: Creating realistic simulations with open-source game engine
Jan Hanca |
Robotics and Simulation |
14:10 |
14:35 |
Repurposing Valve's SteamVR 2.0 Technology to Develop an Open-Source, Low-Cost Motion Capture System for Robotics
Said Alvarado-Marin |
Robotics and Simulation |
14:40 |
15:05 |
Eclipse Zenoh: Understanding the Protocol and its Potential in Robotic
Julien Enoch |
Robotics and Simulation |
15:10 |
15:35 |
BTstudio, a web tool for programming robots with Behavior Trees
JoseMaria Cañas Plaza, Javier Izquierdo Hernández |
Robotics and Simulation |
15:40 |
16:05 |
ArduPilot : Trusted, Versatile and FOSS autopilot for all and everything
Robotics and Simulation |
16:10 |
16:35 |
Whales use Lighthouses too: Open source positioning for open source robots
Michel Hidalgo, Lucas Chiesa |
Robotics and Simulation |
16:40 |
16:45 |
Build, Launch, and Soar with Dronecode: The infrastructure ecosystem for the development of autonomous aerial robotics.
Ramon Roche |
Robotics and Simulation |
16:45 |
16:50 |
Integration and unit testing in ROS 2
Arne Baeyens |
Robotics and Simulation |
16:50 |
16:55 |
ROS in transition: a new organizational path under the Open Source Robotics Alliance
Jose Luis Rivero |
Robotics and Simulation |
16:55 |
17:00 |