Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025


Benjamin Henrion

Photo of Benjamin Henrion

Benjamin is also the president of the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (, an he has been fighting software patents since 1999, from the beginning of the european debate till now. He has launched several popular campaigns on the internet, such as the August 2003 and June 2005 webdemonstrations against software patents (400.000 signatures), or the campaign against Microsoft's Office standardisation at ISO ( (100.000 signatures).

He currently works as a Devops and Kubernetes consultant.

His interests lies in computer science, politics, and mountain biking.

His personal website is available at


Title Day Room Track Start End
Software patents in Europe v3.0: 20 years anniversary and further actions
Sunday H.3244 BOF - Track C 11:00 11:30