Colin Dean

Colin Dean is a software engineer, community builder, and non-profit leader. He's built software for IBM Watson, Target, Vivísimo, and, plus some open-source software used by many developers, especially Mac devs.
Colin has spoken at SATURN, GitHub Universe, FOSDEM, Codemash, Write the Docs, PyOhio, Ohio Linuxfest, and other conferences. He's organized tech conferences in Pittsburgh, such as Abstractions, Heartifacts, devopsdays, and Steel City Ruby.
He is currently a Lead AI Engineer at Target, focusing on developer experience, DevOps, build engineering, code quality, and observability. He is also Managing Director of Code & Supply Co., Pittsburgh's largest community of software professionals, running its Meetups and conferences and, formerly, its coworking space. He has served since 2023 on the Project Leadership Committee of the Homebrew project, the missing package manager for macOS and Linux.
He's served on boards of five non-profits, including two organizations he founded: Meta Mesh Wireless Communities/Community Internet Solutions, a non-profit WiFi ISP in Pittsburgh (2012–2024), and Code & Supply Scholarship Fund, which awards conference travel grants (2016–). He also advises other non-profits on leadership and technical topics.