Olle E. Johansson

Olle E. Johansson is an experienced and appreciated speaker, teacher as well as an Open Source developer and consultant. He is currently project lead for OWASP Project Koala- developing the Transparency Exchange API (TEA), member of the CycloneDX industry working group, the OWASP SBOM Forum, co-founder of SBOMEurope.eu and a leader for the DNS TAPIR Open Source project. While not trying to save the world with SBOMs, he is helping clients with the journey towards CRA compliance as a consultant in his company Edvina AB. Once a year, he organises the Nordic Software Security Summit conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Olle has been a core developer of Asterisk - the Open Source PBX, part of the core team in Kamailio.org and is currently also a member of the team that tries to put some new energy into SoftHSM.org.