Ramon Roche

Ramón is the General Manager of the Dronecode Foundation, a non-profit organization under the Linux Foundation created to host open-source software and hardware projects for drones. He leads a thriving community of more than 10,000 developers and commercial adopters behind projects such as the PX4 Autopilot and MAVSDK. Ramón has been an active contributor to open-source for more than a decade, working as an individual contributor and a community leader. He’s been actively advocating for open standards and open source in the drone industry. He is the host of the PX4 Developer Summit a yearly event that brings hundreds of drone developers and roboticists together. In 2021, Ramón was awarded the Industry Impactor award by AirWards for more than nine years of service to the Drone Industry. Some of his past projects include DroneKit, which was used to develop “smart modes” in drones and led to the massive success of the “3DR Solo” by “3D Robotics”. Ramón is an avid gamer and reader of Sci-Fi. He’s been working remotely for the past decade, based in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, where he lives with his family.
How to find Ramón Email: rroche@linuxfoundation.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrpollo GitHub: https://github.com/mrpollo Work: https://www.dronecode.org/