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Found 1069 matches for your query, with up to 10 results per page:
Event: APuP: A Hundred-Line Hack to Make Wi-Fi Great Again
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Event: Small seeds - why funding new ideas matters
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Event: Overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem: From the battlelines of the S2 energy flexibility protocol adoption
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Event: Linux × VR! Beginner's Guide on How to Join Events in Virtual Reality from Ubuntu using Envision and Monado, an OpenXR Alternative to SteamVR
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Event: European Competitiveness in Microelectronic and AI
…) Chat room(web) Chat room(app) Submit Feedback…
Event: Cloud-Native Networking, Home Edition: Build and connect your VPCs with the Open Network Fabric
… Networking Field Day #35 Chat room(web) Chat room(app) Submit Feedback…
Event: What’s the (floating) Point of all these data types? A (not so) brief overview of the history and usage of datatypes within the wide world of computation
… Chat room(web) Chat room(app) Submit Feedback…
Event: Nim for Pythonistas (and Open Source Lovers)
… Link to talk slides (new version to be updated) Chat room(web) Chat room(app…
Event: Macros Gone Wild: The Usage of the C Preprocessor in the Linux Kernel
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H.2215 (Ferrer)
… Infrastructure: OPass App and OSCVPass The Patient Brush: How to…
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