FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Schedule: Mamona: completely open source SDK for Maemo

Kees Jongenburger
Day Sunday
Room Ferrer
Start time 10:20
End time 10:35
Duration 00:15
Event type Lightning-Talk
Track Lightning Talks
Language English
Slides (PDF)
Video (Ogg/Theora)
Mamona: completely open source SDK for Maemo

In this presentation I will shortly tell about Maemo ,the open source development platform for Internet Tablets. I will explain some of the problems (not fully opensource etc) while still explaining how great it is(canola2). Then I will switch to telling about mamona, the goals is strives (full open source stack) and it's roots (OE /bitbake). And finally I will show why it rules(e17 on a n810)!

Mamona itself is an embedded Linux distribution for ARM EABI. Mamona's main goal Project is to offer a completely open source alternative/experimental SDK package and flash image generation process for the Maemo Platform using only free and open source components.