FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Day Saturday
Room AW1.117
Capacity 31
Start time 16:00
End time 16:30
Duration 00:30
Track World of GNUstep devroom

Discussing UIKit / iOS implementation plans

iOS is increasingly popular as a platform, even dwarfing OS X. GNUstep already has support for a number of the core APIs in iOS. This is an open discussion session, which will begin with a very short talk explaining what is still missing from allowing easy ports from iOS to other platforms with GNUstep, followed by an open discussion session.

iOS is increasingly popular as a platform, even dwarfing OS X. GNUstep already has support for a number of the core APIs in iOS. This is an open discussion session, which will begin with a very short talk explaining what is still missing from allowing easy ports from iOS to other platforms with GNUstep, followed by an open discussion session.

Events that start after this one (within 30 minutes):

When Event Track Where
16:30-17:15 Latest progress of Simple WebKit and QuantumSTEP World of GNUstep AW1.117
16:30-16:45 The My.Media.Lite Recommender System Library Data Analytics AW1.124
16:30-16:55 MySQL 5.5 Replication Enhancements: an overview MySQL & friends H.2213
16:30-17:00 What in the World Is This 'IcedTea-Web' Project? Free Java AW1.125
16:30-17:00 Model Checking the Linux Kernel ? CrossDistro H.1308
16:30-17:00 How to store Trust Security & hardware crypto AW1.105
16:30-17:00 XMPP and Federated Social Networking Jabber & XMPP AW1.121
16:30-17:15 SUMO -- How Mozilla supports 400 Million users with 4 employees Mozilla H.1301
16:30-17:15 Vala? Are you kidding me?? Crossdesktop H.1309
16:40-16:55 Forban: a simple link-local opportunistic p2p free software Lightning Talks Ferrer
17:00-17:15 Sahi: automated cross-browser web testing Lightning Talks Ferrer
17:00-17:25 Seamless MySQL replication failover with Tungsten MySQL & friends H.2213
17:00-17:30 Power, Freedom, Software GNU H.2214
17:00-17:30 Free Culture, Free Data - How we use Data to Drive at Wikipedia Data Analytics AW1.124
17:00-17:30 The Free JavaWS Implementation in IcedTea-Web Free Java AW1.125
17:00-17:30 BOFH meets SystemTap: rootkits made trivial Security & hardware crypto AW1.105
17:00-17:40 Mono's new garbage collector Mono AW1.120
17:00-18:00 Gentoo's Reform and Future CrossDistro H.1302
17:00-18:00 Towards the Comparative Analysis of Evolving Libre Software CrossDistro H.1308
17:00-18:00 BSD-Licensed Toolchain Status BSD AW1.126
17:00-18:00 Milkymist : Pushing further the limits of electronics openness Embedded Lameere