Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025


Physical Computing with MIT App Inventor

Physical Computing with MIT App Inventor

MIT App Inventor is a blocks program language that makes it easy to create apps for Android phones and tablets. In this hands-on workshop you'll learn how to connect App Inventor to the physical world for remote control or data collection. Control a robotic dog, monitor an house plant, or collect data for a science experiment -- all these become easy.

Previous experience with a blocks language like Scratch is helpful but not required. This workshop is aimed at teens and adults; younger children are welcome to work with a parent.

To participate, you will need both a laptop computer and an Android phone or tablet.

Activities during FOSDEM Junior follow the Code Club policies and health and safety standards.

  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • Remember to bring an Android phone with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you are feeling unwell

Participants are required to sign up for this activity via the registration form.


Photo of John Maloney John Maloney
Photo of Evan Patton Evan Patton

