Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2025


Creating an Open Knowledge Graph for Climate

semanticClimate is a global hybrid community where interns from colleges (mainly in India) create climate knowledge to help the world make informed decisions. We work with trustable material such as the UN/IPCC reports (over 15,000 pages of important, but dense text). The resulting knowledge products include:

  • term-based dictionaries (ontologies) enhanced with Wikipedia and Wikidata
  • a Corpus tool for scraping and analysing the current Open scholarly literature
  • a knowledge graph created from the above with navigation tools

and F/OSS software to make this easy and automatic.

semanticClimate interns come from high-school up and need have no knowledge of software. They learn-by-doing, and in some weeks have 2-hour online sessions daily - these are recorded and transcribed to text for all to see. Interns are encouraged to give public talks (e.g. OKFN, Wikipedia, CODATA) and to make 5 min videos. All software is modular, Git-branched, versioned and unit-tested. Where possible we publish it in J. Open Source Software.

The session image is part of our Climate Knowledge Graph (my email is I can't change it in the form!)


Peter Murray-Rust

