Amanda Brock

Amanda is CEO of OpenUK, the UK body for the business of Open Technology (open source software, open hardware and open data); Board Member,Cabinet Office Open Standards Board; Advisory Board Member, Government Energy Sector Digitalisation Task Force, OASIS Open Projects, KDE, Free BSD, Planet Crust, Everseen, and Mimoto; and European Representative of the Open Invention Network.
She is the editor of Open Source, Law, Policy and Practise, being published open access by OUP in 2022. A lawyer of 25 years’ experience, she chaired the Open Source and IIP Advisory Group of the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs and was General Counsel of Canonical for 5 years.
Amanda is CEO of the UK body for the business of Open Technology ( open source software, open hardware and open data) ,OpenUK; Board Member Cabinet Office Open Standards Board; Advisory Board Member, Government Energy Sector Digitalisation Task Force; European Representative of the Open Invention Network; OASIS Open Projects' Advisory Council Member (open source and open standards); Advisory Board Member KDE; Advisory Board Member Planet Crust; Advisory Board Member Free BSD; Charity Trustee, Creative Crieff; Member of commercial Advisory Boards including Mimoto and Everseen; and mentors C Suite individuals.
Amanda has previously been the Chair of the Open Source and Intellectual Property (IP) Advisory Group of the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs; CEO of the Trustable Software Engineering Project, focused on solutions to risk in open source Software; a member of the Cabinet Office Advisory on Open Source and the Open Stack Drafting Committee; and was General Counsel of Canonical, one of the world’s biggest open source companies and the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu, setting up the global legal team and running this for 5 years.
As a senior lawyer she has worked across a range of sectors including hardware, mobile, ISP, data centre and digital financial services in Emerging Markets. She has worked internationally since 2000 across EMEA, US, AsiaPac and Emerging Markets, based out of both the UK and Amsterdam Amanda has contributed to the leadership and strategy of a number of businesses and multi-organisational collaborative projects, and open source initiatives. She has expertise in open source software, collaboration across businesses (coopetition), developing product and strategy, risk, governance and compliance, IP, Standards, Sustainability, contracting and commercialisation in digital and provides consultancy and advisory services. She’s worked in digital transformation since 2000.
She is a regular international keynote speaker, podcast guest and panel member, and author covering digital, business and revenue models, Open Source, policy and legal issues, with a particular focus on open for good. She writes regularly for both academic journals and the tech press including Information Age, The Reg and CBRDigital. She is an Executive Editor and co-Founder of the Journal of Open Law Technology and Society (formerly IFOSSLR), a Fellow of the Open Forum Academy and a guest editor of an IEE Special Edition on Open Data.
Amanda is the Editor of the book, Open Source Software: Law, Policy and Practice”, 2nd Edition, to be published by Oxford University Press in September 2021 with open access sponsored by the Vietsch Foundation and contributed to by 20 leading figures in open source.
Listed as one of 20 CEO’s to Watch at and part of Computer Weekly’s Most influential Women in Tech Long list,
Her profile can be found at Linked in: